''Empty Nest'' is an American sitcom that originally aired on NBC from 1988 to 1995. The series was created as a spin-off of ''The Golden Girls'' by creator and producer Susan Harris. For its first three seasons, ''Empty Nest'' was one of the year's top 10 most-watched programs. It was produced by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions in association with Touchstone Television. The show concept borrowed some elements from the British comedy series ''Father, Dear Father'', also featuring a father living with his two daughters and large dog. However, unlike that series (in which the daughters are still teenagers and the ex-wife and her new husband are both conspicuously present), the two daughters in ''Empty Nest'' are self-supporting adults, and the lead character is a widower. ''Empty Nest'' was part of NBC's Saturday night block of programming, and during its first four seasons it aired at 9:30pm ET, directly following ''The Golden Girls''. Two of the cast were alumni from one of Susan Harris' earlier shows, ''Soap''; Mulligan was (briefly) Manoff's father-in-law in ''Soap.'' ==History== An incarnation of the series was initially featured in the 1987 ''Golden Girls'' episode "Empty Nests." In the episode, George and Renee Corliss (played by Paul Dooley and Rita Moreno respectively) were introduced as the Girls' neighbors, a middle-aged couple suffering from empty nest syndrome. In this version, George was a busy doctor and Renee used to be an actress, which she intended to pursue again now that their children had left home. Their teenaged daughter Jenny (Jane Harnick) visited from college, and Renee's brother Chuck (Geoffrey Lewis) who suffered from multiple personality disorder also appeared. The set of the Corliss house was exactly the same as the one that later became the Weston residence, and they also had an annoying neighbor played by David Leisure (although named Oliver). The episode was screened as the Season Two finale of ''The Golden Girls'' and was intended to act as a backdoor pilot for the spin-off to begin in the fall 1987 TV season. However, the series did not go ahead as planned and the premise was later extensively revamped before it eventually appeared on screens in 1988. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Empty Nest」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク